
Purna Yoga London Yoga · Exercise · Weight loss · Health · Wellness · Yoga teacher training · Meditation · Yoga therapy · Nutrition · Asana · Pranayama · Yoga philosophy · Happiness · Private yoga · Therapeutic yoga

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Purna Yoga distills and integrates the vast aspects of yoga into an invaluable set of tools for transformation and healing. Offering wisdom and techniques for the union of the body and the mind with the spirit, Purna Yoga teaches alignment-based asana, meditationvand pranayama, along with nutrition and yogic living. Purna Yoga is the art of loving yourself by living from the heart. Founded by Aadil Palkhivala and Mirra
Drew Stallcop, Director of Purna Yoga London, is a long time student of Aadil and Mirra. He is also the UK's first and only Certified Purna Yoga Instructor.

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